Tuesday 27 August 2013

Virat Kohli & Actress Anushka Sharma, doing 'Salsa' for a Commercial.

What Virat Kohli's doing with Bollywood star Anushka Sharma ? Any Idea Folks? 

> Indian cricket's pin-up boy Virat Kohli and leggy Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma are doing a salsa for a shampoo commercial.

Indian cricket's batting sensation Virat Kohli, who has been driving cars, wooing girls with snazzy mobile phones and posing with teammates in a cola ad, has now put on his dancing shoes for a TV commercial.

Kohli has now teamed up with Bollywood hottie Anushka Sharma and the duo will be seen doing the salsa for a shampoo commercial.

The pin-up boy of Indian cricket may be on a break from international cricket but the in-demand Kohli has now found time to keep his commercial commitments. To shoot for the shampoo advertisement, Kohli had to undergo a crash course in the Latin American dancing style along with the leggy 25-year-old Anushka. 

To perfect their dance moves, the duo underwent intense dancing rehearsals. Displaying amazing chemistry during the shoot, the pair looks stunning in their black outfits. They display salsa moves like the 'change of hand holds' and 'comb' with grace and ease.

Several international cricketers like Sanath Jayasuriya and Harbhajan Singh have hit the dance floor for reality shows. Kohli now makes his 'debut' and in great style. The choice is clear!

[Via : NDTV]

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